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Build Insane Triceps By Doing Skull Crushers - Laz - Tymoff

Build Insane Triceps By Doing Skull Crushers – Laz – Tymoff

Carving out horseshoe-shaped triceps is a rite of passage for any gym devotee. These powerful extensors flare out from the back of your upper arm, adding size and definition, and serving as a cornerstone of upper-body strength. The skull crusher, an exercise long revered for its tricep-blasting potential, takes center stage in this quest for sculpted arms. But to unlock its true potential and build insane triceps, we must delve into the Laz-Tymoff technique.

The Skull Crusher: A Tricep-Tamer

The skull crusher, also known as the overhead triceps extension, is a fundamental exercise that isolates and strengthens the triceps brachii, the three-headed muscle at the back of your upper arm. Here’s a breakdown of its mechanics:

  1. Grip it Right: Grab a barbell or dumbbells with a neutral grip (palms facing each other). For dumbbells, position them slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
  2. Posture for Power: Lie flat on a bench with your feet planted firmly on the floor. Keep your core engaged and maintain a neutral spine throughout the movement.
  3. The Controlled Descent: Raise the barbell or dumbbells vertically towards the ceiling until your arms are straight. This is the starting position. Slowly lower the weight towards your forehead, keeping your upper arms stationary and tucked close to your body. Focus on feeling the tension building in your triceps as the weight descends.
  4. The Powerful Press: Once you feel a good stretch in your triceps, reverse the motion by forcefully pressing the weight back up to the starting position. Don’t use momentum; rely on the strength of your triceps to drive the movement.

Why the Skull Crusher Reigns Supreme

The skull crusher reigns supreme for several reasons:

  • Targeted Tricep Training: It directly isolates the triceps brachii, minimizing involvement from other muscle groups and maximizing tricep growth.
  • Full Range of Motion: The exercise allows for a full range of motion in the triceps joint, leading to more complete development of the muscle.
  • Versatility: You can perform skull crushers with various weights, from dumbbells to barbells, and with different hand positions, allowing you to target different areas of the triceps.

The Laz-Tymoff Technique: Unlocking Skull Crusher Potential

The Laz-Tymoff technique elevates the skull crusher from a great exercise to a game-changer for tricep development. Here’s what makes it special:

  • Focus on Form, Not Force: Laz-Tymoff emphasizes strict form over heavy weights. He advocates for keeping the elbows tucked in close to the body throughout the movement, preventing them from flaring out. This ensures maximum tricep engagement and minimizes stress on the shoulders.
  • Controlled Movement is King: Slow and controlled reps are the name of the game. Lower the weight for a count of 3-4 seconds, feeling the stretch in your triceps, and then press back up with similar control. This time under tension maximizes muscle fiber recruitment and growth.
  • Mind-Muscle Connection: Laz-Tymoff emphasizes the mind-muscle connection. As you perform the exercise, visualize your triceps contracting and lengthening with each rep. This heightened awareness optimizes muscle activation and leads to better results.

Beyond the Basics: Advanced Skull Crusher Variations

Once you’ve mastered the basic skull crusher with the Laz-Tymoff technique, explore these variations to further challenge your triceps:

  • Close-Grip Skull Crushers: This variation targets the medial head of the triceps, the inner portion of the horseshoe shape. Use a narrow grip (hands about shoulder-width apart) on the barbell or dumbbells for this variation.
  • EZ-Bar Skull Crushers: The EZ-bar, with its angled grip, allows for a more natural wrist position, reducing stress on the joints. It’s a great option for those with wrist issues.
  • Overhead Triceps Extensions with Rope Attachment: This variation utilizes a cable machine with a rope attachment. It provides constant tension throughout the movement and can be a good option for those looking for a different training stimulus.

Building a Skull Crusher Workout Routine

Here’s a sample skull crusher workout routine incorporating the Laz-Tymoff technique:


  • Light cardio for 5 minutes (e.g., jogging, jump rope)
  • Dynamic stretches for the shoulders and triceps (e.g., arm circles, arm swings)

Skull Crusher Workout:

  • Exercise: Barbell Skull Crushers (Laz-Tymoff Technique)
  • Sets: 4
  • Reps: 8-12 (focus on controlled movement throughout)
  • Exercise: Dumbbell Skull Crushers (Close-Grip)
  • Sets: 3
  • Reps: 10-15 (target that medial head!)
  • Rest: 60 seconds between sets


  • Static stretches for the triceps and shoulders (e.g., overhead tricep stretch, doorway chest stretch)
  • Foam rolling for the upper arms and shoulders (optional)

Progression is Key:

Remember, progressive overload is essential for muscle growth. As you get stronger, gradually increase the weight, sets, or reps over time. You can also implement techniques like drop sets or rest-pause sets to further challenge your triceps.

Safety First: Proper Form is Paramount

The skull crusher is a fantastic exercise, but it’s crucial to prioritize proper form to avoid injury. Here are some key safety points to remember:

  • Don’t Go Too Heavy: Start with a weight that allows you to maintain strict form throughout the entire movement. Ego lifting can lead to injuries.
  • Elbows In, Not Out: Keep your elbows tucked in close to your sides throughout the exercise. Flaring them out puts unnecessary strain on your shoulders.
  • Full Range of Motion, Controlled Speed: Aim for a full range of motion, but lower and raise the weight with controlled movements. Avoid jerky motions.
  • Listen to Your Body: If you experience any pain, stop the exercise immediately. Don’t push through pain; consult a healthcare professional if needed.

Fueling Your Tricep Growth

Diet plays a vital role in muscle building. Ensure you’re consuming enough calories and protein to support muscle growth. Aim for 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight daily. Include protein sources like lean meats, fish, eggs, and legumes in your diet. Don’t neglect complex carbohydrates for energy and healthy fats for overall health.

Build Insane Triceps By Doing Skull Crushers - Laz - Tymoff

The Takeaway: Unleash Your Inner Tricep Titan

The triceps brachii, as its name suggests, is a three-headed muscle. Understanding each head and its function is crucial for crafting a well-rounded training program:

  • Lateral Head: The “horseshoe” on the back of your upper arm. Responsible for elbow extension and outward rotation of the arm.
  • Medial Head: Lies underneath the lateral head. Plays a key role in elbow extension and adds mass to the inner portion of the horseshoe.
  • Long Head: The largest head, extending from the shoulder blade to the elbow. Crucial for elbow extension and contributes to overall tricep size.

The Secret Weapon: Compound Exercises for Tricep Domination

While isolation exercises have their place, compound movements are the foundation for building massive triceps. These exercises work multiple muscle groups simultaneously, leading to greater overall growth:

  • Dips: The king of tricep exercises. Targets all three heads with a focus on the long head. Can be performed with bodyweight or weighted variations.
  • Close-Grip Bench Press: Shifts the focus from the chest to the triceps with a narrow grip. Excellent for building the medial head.
  • Overhead Press: While primarily a shoulder exercise, the overhead press heavily recruits the triceps during the lockout phase.

Mastering Isolation: Sculpting Definition with Targeted Movements

Once you’ve laid the groundwork with compound exercises, incorporate targeted movements to refine your tricep development:

  • Skull Crushers (Laz-Tymoff Technique): A classic tricep isolation exercise with an emphasis on controlled movement and strict form. This variation minimizes shoulder stress while maximizing tricep activation. (See previous article for detailed instructions)
  • Overhead Tricep Extensions: Performed with dumbbells or cables, this exercise allows for a full range of motion and targets all three tricep heads.
  • Pushdowns: A versatile exercise that can be done with various attachments (rope, straight bar, V-bar) to isolate different areas of the triceps.

Building a Tricep Titan Workout Routine

Here’s a sample workout program designed to forge your path to Tricep Titan status:


  • Light cardio (5 minutes)
  • Dynamic stretches for shoulders and triceps (arm circles, arm swings)


  • Exercise: Dips (weighted or bodyweight)

  • Sets: 4

  • Reps: 6-8 (focus on maintaining strict form)

  • Rest: 90 seconds

  • Exercise: Close-Grip Bench Press

  • Sets: 3

  • Reps: 8-12 (challenge yourself with the weight)

  • Rest: 60 seconds

  • Exercise: Skull Crushers (Laz-Tymoff Technique)

  • Sets: 3

  • Reps: 10-15 (controlled movement throughout)

  • Rest: 60 seconds

  • Exercise: Overhead Tricep Extensions (Cable Rope)

  • Sets: 3

  • Reps: 12-15 (focus on squeezing the triceps at the top)

  • Rest: 60 seconds


  • Static stretches for triceps and shoulders
  • Foam rolling for upper arms and shoulders (optional)

Progression is Key:

Don’t get stagnant! As you get stronger, gradually increase the weight, sets, or reps to keep challenging your triceps. Explore drop sets, rest-pause sets, or different rep ranges to maximize growth.

Fueling the Titan: Nutrition for Powerful Triceps

Remember, muscle doesn’t build itself on air. Ensure you’re consuming enough calories and protein to support muscle growth. Aim for 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight daily. Include protein sources like lean meats, fish, eggs, and legumes in your diet. Don’t neglect complex carbohydrates for energy and healthy fats for overall health.

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Six-Pack: Understanding Your Core

The “six-pack” refers to the rectus abdominis, a long, flat muscle that runs vertically down the front of your abdomen. It’s further divided into sections by connective tissue bands, creating the six individual “packs” we see. However, a strong core encompasses more than just the rectus abdominis. It includes:

  • Transverse Abdominis: This deep abdominal muscle wraps around your torso like a corset, providing stability and supporting your spine.
  • Internal and External Obliques: These muscles run diagonally on the sides of your torso, aiding in rotation and twisting movements.

A well-developed core offers a multitude of benefits beyond aesthetics:

  • Improved Posture: A strong core helps maintain proper spinal alignment, leading to better posture and reducing back pain.
  • Enhanced Performance: Core strength is vital for various athletic activities, providing stability and power for movements.
  • Reduced Injury Risk: A strong core helps protect your spine and lower back from injuries during exercise and daily activities.

Building Your Six-Pack: Exercise Strategies

Spot reduction, the idea of targeting fat loss in a specific area, is a myth. However, by reducing overall body fat and strengthening your core muscles, you can reveal the definition beneath. Here’s a two-pronged approach:

1. Fat Reduction:

  • Calorie Control: Create a calorie deficit by burning more calories than you consume. This will lead to overall fat loss, including your abdominal area.
  • Cardio: Regular cardio exercises like running, swimming, or HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) help burn calories and reduce overall body fat.

2. Core Strengthening:

  • Compound Exercises: Exercises that engage multiple muscle groups, like squats, deadlifts, and rows, also activate your core muscles as stabilizers.
  • Isolation Exercises: Target your core directly with exercises like crunches, planks, leg raises, and Russian twists. Focus on proper form and controlled movements for maximum effectiveness.

Sample Core Workout:

  • Plank: Hold a plank position for 30-60 seconds, engaging your core and glutes to maintain a straight line from head to heels. Repeat for 3-4 sets.
  • Crunches: Lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Contract your abs to lift your upper back off the ground, keeping your lower back pressed into the floor. Perform 3-4 sets of 10-15 repetitions.
  • Russian Twists: Sit on the floor with knees bent and feet flat. Lean back slightly, engaging your core, and twist your torso from side to side, bringing your hands to touch the ground on each side. Perform 3-4 sets of 12-15 repetitions per side.

Remember: Consistency is key. Aim for 2-3 core workouts per week, allowing sufficient rest for recovery.

Don’t Forget About Diet: Fueling Your Six-Pack

Diet plays a crucial role in revealing your six-pack. Here are some key dietary principles:

  • Eat Clean: Focus on whole, unprocessed foods like fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and complex carbohydrates.
  • Protein is King: Protein helps build and repair muscle tissue, including your core muscles. Aim for 0.8-1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight daily.
  • Reduce Refined Carbs and Sugars: These can contribute to excess fat storage, making it harder to reveal your abs. Opt for complex carbohydrates like whole grains.
  • Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water helps with digestion, flushes out toxins, and keeps your body functioning optimally.

The Six-Pack Journey: Beyond the Gym

A six-pack isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s a testament to dedication and healthy lifestyle choices. Here are some additional tips to support your journey:

  • Get Enough Sleep: Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep per night. Sleep deprivation can hinder muscle growth and recovery.
  • Manage Stress: Chronic stress can lead to increased cortisol levels, which can promote fat storage around the midsection. Practice stress-management techniques like yoga or meditation.
  • Be Patient: Building a six-pack takes time and consistent effort. Don’t get discouraged by setbacks; stay focused on your goals and celebrate your progress.

Conclusion: Sculpt Herculean Triceps with Skull Crushers

The skull crusher, when combined with the Laz-Tymoff technique, is a potent weapon in your tricep-building arsenal. By focusing on strict form, controlled movement, and progressive overload, you can sculpt horseshoe-shaped triceps that will be the envy of the gym. Remember, consistency is key. Stick to your workout routine, fuel your body properly, and watch your triceps grow!


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